awakening · Debunking New Age Spirituality · Inner Work & Growth · Spirituality

New Age Spirituality and the concept of ‘All We Need Is Love’.

Basically we don’t need to love more, we need to attain knowledge in the form of Gnosis, true knowledge about our experience. Not the type that we may attain from books or reading, although that may be a good source to inspire our thinking and questioning but rather the type of knowledge that is attained through the questioning of our personal experience, it has to be through our personal experience in order to be fully embodied and understood and to be relatable to our current reality here. When we truly question our experience we start to have realisations about it, we start to learn and formulate independent conclusions that lead us to the truth of our experience, free from biases and what we have been told and conditioned with in some way.

As we go through this process, which is an ongoing lengthy process, we attain true knowledge about our experience and humanity as a whole. It is only through this attainment of Gnosis that we are able to understand our actions in life and the effect that they have, we are able to understand right and wrong action because we are able to see and therefore act from a higher, true understanding and perspective of our experience, our actions are not blinded or ignorant. Actions taken without understanding are often detrimental to humanity and continue to perpetuate the current divisions and chaos that we see playing out in our world today, causing further separation through that ignorance.

This process to attain Gnosis, although it has to be a very individualistic journey, will in turn always lead us towards unity, unity through understanding not love. The concept of love on it’s own does not necessarily contain understanding and will therefore continue to leave humanity ‘blinded’ and ignorant in our experience and ultimately not lead us to right, fully informed, conscious actions that are able to bring about unity based on reason and authentically acquired knowledge. 

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