natural law

The Understanding, Awareness and Embodiment Of Natural Law Principles and The Positive Effect this has on a Future World.

It must be understood that we cannot do anything or make any changes in this world without the application of reason. And unfortunately, there are many influences in this world that try to turn us away from or stunt our reasoning abilities to the level that they need to be developed to in order to understand our experience and therefore the natural law that does indeed govern it.

And what is definitely overlooked in general is that our ability to reason would in fact ‘save the world’ and at the very least lead to many improvements in it. This is due to the fact that reasoning and questioning our life experience leads in turn to the discovery of the natural law principles that govern it. As we become familiar with the natural law on which our experience is based upon we become aware of the moral conduct that natural law ‘insists’ on through our own internal discovery of it through reasoning and investigation this then automatically becomes the basis of our way of being and conducting ourselves throughout our lives. It is that understood and embodied inherent and adhered to moral conduct that would lead to the alleviation of most problems based on corruptive behaviour in our world. Natural law will always lead us back to the understanding and embodiment of our own moral conduct through understanding our actions and becoming accountable and responsible for them. But in order for us to realise this we must be able to reason through our lives in order to achieve understanding of it or else the principles of natural law will remain, as they are, largely unknown and our reliance on external government for the upholding of moral conduct will remain. The discovery of natural law government through our own investigation and understanding is the only law that has the capability to remain pure, unbiased and incorruptible whereas external governments will always somehow remain impure, biased and corruptible because the people that run them are.

Through our early development the education system is the first and primary influencer on our brains and how we use them, when our ability to reason, question and problem solve are not primary virtues taught or encouraged to any great degree if indeed at all in schools but rather how to become that that is already in place in the system and to be content with that, no individuality, no real creative vision, no true encouragement of understanding through investigation, no originality and no room for the development of our own conclusions, all of which need to be in place if knowledge of natural law principles are to be made known through reason and allowed to become the basis of our conduct.

Then we have the New Age Movement that is also at work against the application of reason and that largely encourages intuitive and heart based living as being the way forward, neither of which are infallible due to biases, conditioning and past trauma if not understood and taken into consideration in our experience. The encouragement of intuitive and heart based living in effect turns us away from the application of our reasoning abilities in order to formulate a true and more accurate awareness and understanding of ourselves and our actions, choices and behavioural patterns, which would in turn lead to Gnosis and the underlying principles of natural law that are in fact the answer to the worlds problems. In this way most, if not all, New Age Teachings discourage and deter us from the actual discovery of those natural law principles underlying our experience by discouraging the application of understanding ourselves and our experience through reason and that if left alone to natural law we would effectively and naturally attain a state of peace and harmony throughout humanity merely through the self government based on that understanding of the natural law principles that call to be known and brought into effect through our own embodiment of them.

We are a long long way away from having a society that is free from corrupted external government and that is based on everyone taking responsibility for their own moral conduct and self government through the understanding, awareness and embodiment of natural law principles however it has to start somewhere and it is the advocators of a society based on reason that are here to uphold, encourage and steer towards this future.

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