Inner Work & Growth

Why and How is the Soul Integrated Resulting in the Actual and Authentic Embodiment of Wisdom?

As mentioned before and what is also presented in many authentic, in depth spiritual writings, truth and wisdom are worked for and earned, that is done by removing whatever false belief systems, either about ourselves or about our experience that we have and that are blocking true wisdom from being embodied. Being embodied is not the same as reading it from an external source and thinking ‘Yeah that could be true’ being embodied means it becomes your solid integrated truth, the truth that you know beyond a doubt and that has been attained by questioning ourselves and our own experience and not someone else’s truth presented to us. Life will always provide us with the perfect opportunity to move through the steps of growth, integration and embodiment if that is what we seek.

Embodiment takes place in shifts and phases and is a process. First we are presented with the untrue belief systems based on societal programming and conditioning or behavioural patterns based on unhealed wounds and our subconscious, this is done in the only way that it can be and that is through our everyday lives and experiences, it is after all life as we know it that we need to ‘break through’ into truth. These new truths can be realised by self reflecting on and questioning those experiences that we are having, along with those experiences and as a result of that questioning and the subsequent revelations we come to we then get the opportunity to implement the change from that new found revelation into our physical experience by upholding that new truth, this is also known as growth and these changes must be implemented if soul integration and embodiment is to take place. There is always an action needed accompanying the revelation that has been presented in order for that growth to fully take place, change is always called for and needed in order for the embodiment and integration of truth to be attained. It does not happen the other way round, there are always actions, that might be deemed as sacrifices, that are unavoidable if we are to progress towards our own emancipation. There are many people in our lives that will not or cannot follow us on our journey because they are either unwilling or unable to grow with us into those new truths and also that may well not be the purpose that they serve in our experience, they may well serve only to reflect back to us our own dysfunctional beliefs and behavioural patterns that we hold through the enactment of theirs. There are many behavioural patterns that will need to be readjusted, there are many ways of being that will need to be changed. Old lives, people and ways may well have to be left behind. It is a very individual journey to be walked alone in each persons unique way. Integrity, perseverance, fortitude, emotional strength, discipline and courage are all attributes that will be needed and tested along the way, along with our priorities in life. If our priority lies in anything other than the attainment of truth then truth will not be attained and will simply remain out of reach.

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