meditation · Spiritual Bypassing

Meditation and Meditational Bypassing.

Meditation is often used as a means of focusing ourselves on our divine form and our connection to it. Often using visualisations, music and affirmations during meditations in order to ‘remember’ who we are in our divine form. This is all well and good if we are just awakening to the realisation that we do actually have a divine form but it can quickly become a means of bypassing our human form and what that entails, it can unground us and leave us ‘yearning’ only for that sense of divinity and peace that can be attained through meditation.

It can quickly become a ‘trap’ because it can often be used as a means of not addressing any real internal issues that we may have relating to our human experience in the form of emotional trauma. ‘Good high’ feelings are sort after rather than ‘bad low’ feelings. We reach up and out for our divinity and don’t reach down and in for our humanity, leaving us essentially disembodied from it when the two need to be connected. The unconscious that resides within us needs to be transformed and released, it needs to be acknowledged. Meditation can be used as a wonderful form of transformation when instead of only visualising upwards and outwards to our divinity we allow ourselves to visualise inwards and downwards to our humanity and all the feelings that relate to painful experiences that we may be having or have had and by allowing the emotions connected to those experiences to naturally arise without resistance for release and transformation. It is no good focusing on emotions such as gratitude and love when we still have within us emotions such as pain and resentment and it is essentially just a form of bypassing to do so. That that we authentically have within us desperately needs to be worked through if we are to truly heal from our past and if an inner transformation is to be experienced.

It’s okay to be human, it’s okay to feel pain, anger, resentment, it’s okay to feel these things that are not considered to be divine, infact it’s not just okay it’s essential in order to heal and understand ourselves and through that understanding truly be able to connect and embody our divinity but together with our humanity. .

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